Thursday, July 21, 2016

Vegas and Girls Camp {6.12.16 - 7.2.16}

I need to catch up the blog, so when I am ready to announce some big news it will be on time! ;) We are really excited to announce it in the next coming weeks to family and friends! eeekkk! Basically the entire month of June was a blur. I was pratcially gone the whole time visiting my family in Vegas and then I went to girls camp with the stake! While in Vegas I sat around all day at the pool playing settlers and ticket to ride. My sisters and I LOVE playing games, so during the two weeks we played every day several times. Unfortunately, I lost. every. single. game. I am not joking. I was there for almost two weeks and didn't win once. Most people know I am a competitive person, so I was quite sad at the end of the two weeks. hahaha But I got over it- obviously, and I still don't regret playing games constantly because I would do it all over again just to be around my family. While in Vegas we also attended a baseball game, but honestly I didn't even watch. I just had fun trying to make my nephew laugh. We also went to the Children's museum which was amazing!! This place was definitely not for kids. The best kept secret is that they made it for adults. We had so much fun!! And we walked the strip for an evening.
Enjoying the gardens at the Bellagio
Oh look, I found Dory....
Clown  noses for everyone! 
I know it's blurry, but John is just to darn cute! 
We couldn't let him see our lollipops! His mom didn't want him to have one :) hahaha
We were trying so hard not to laugh - but it didn't work. 
I'm glad my goofy face (while blowing my bubblegum) makes this kiddo laugh :) 
Some one likes the fountain

Nana and John
Fulfilling our dreams of working at Jamba Juice while on the BYU campus
Dress up at the Children's museum. Katie would had made a very dramatic queen...I guess she would have fit right in! 

Now on to girls camp! I was able to attend girls camp as a stake leader. I helped my ycl's with the second year girls. I had so much fun! The girls were amazing and I had such a spiritual week with them. It reminded me of my experiences when I was a young woman and attending girls camp. We played games, sang soooo many songs, went hiking up mountains, zip lining, and ate some really yummy food. I hope I can go again next year! 
The second years with my amazing ycl's! 
Skit night! We sang a Star is Born from the Disney movie Hercules. 

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