Wednesday, May 28, 2014


ROAD TRIP: Part 3 - California Time - May 7th - May 13th

So...if you are not incredibly bored already, which you probably are, then read no further! But if want, you can continue to read about the rest of our road trip in Weldon, California. We had great time in Weldon! We went to Dry Meadow Creek and went down the natural water-slide, did a little bit of rafting, played with baby R who is now a 1 year old, ate really good pizza, did some hot-tubing, enjoyed mother's day, enjoyed the beautiful views, watched some home videos, went to an orchestra concert, and helped with some things around the house! You can scroll to the bottom and watch the video of Colby going down the water-slide.

At the Kern River!!

Don caught some fish during the trip and Leslie cooked it for lunch the next day. 

There was even some fishing! 

Seriously? I have to wait for the pizza! 

Lake Isabella is beautiful! 

We had a great mother's day! Went to church, had the missionaries and friends over for dinner and Leslie got a gift card to amazon and a cookbook! 

Colby and Leslie (Colby's mom) working on the coolers on the roof and getting ready for summer!  

Beautiful Mountains! 

Baby R and Don at the Orchestra Concert

Leslie played the violin and the cello in the orchestra! She did amazing! 

On the last night we had a fire and delicious smore's! 

Baby R wanted in on the smore's! 

So he helped himself! 

Saturday, May 24, 2014


ROAD TRIP: Part 2 - Little John and Magic Mountain! - May 4th - May 7th

After our week apart from one another we met in Las Vegas and stayed the night with my sister and her 3 days old baby boy, little John! He is Adorable! Then we headed off to Santa Clarita and went to Six Flags Magic Mountain! Next we drove to the beach in Ventura and stayed the night in a hotel because it was almost the same price a night as camping!

John Christopher Gamble!  Born May 1st

First time meeting John

Magic Mountain Time: We had so much fun! It was our graduation presents to ourselves :) The day we went was absolutely perfect! There were no lines, the weather was not too hot, not too cold. We rode every single ride more than once, sometimes three times. This park is the perfect park for me. It had mostly roller-coasters which are my favorite. We also stuffed our pockets with granola bars even though we were not allowed to bring food in the park, because we were not going to pay for their over-priced food.
Stuck on Ninja for a bit, but still so fun! 

We met Daffy duck, bugs bunny, flash, and wonder woman! 

Yee Haw

One of our favorite roller-coasters and one of the scariest in the park! 

Perfect day! Notice...not a soul in sight!!

X2!!! Be afraid, very afraid! :) 
This was while we were walking back to the car parked 20 minutes away because we were not going to pay $20 to park next to the park! Ridiculous! 

Monday, May 19, 2014


ROAD TRIP: Part 1- Colorado and Bahamas! April 25th - May 3rd

After a long road trip we have finally arrived in TEXAS!! It has been long, but we have enjoyed every second of it! Since it was such a long trip and lots of stuff happened we are going to break it down into a few posts, so its not one long, huge, boring post! So here it goes...

Part One of MyKolby's Grand Adventure:

On the day of graduation and after we walked together I dropped Colby off with his classmates and teachers and they headed off to the Bahamas for 8 days! I know, being in school is rough! ;) And I drive to Colorful Colorado with my daddio!

MyKel's trip in Colorado:

I spent a great week with some of the people I love most and because of this my trip is already better than Colby's! I watched movies, played dress-up, went on a date one of the most handsome men ever (my little brother), attended the temple, and played basketball.

Jonathan wanted to show me how strong he is! 

Dress-up time! Katie's a BYU fan princess :) 

Denver Temple

We call Carsten "Little Professor" because of how cute he looks in his glasses. He loves his glasses and takes good care of them. I caught him cleaning his glasses and when he saw that I was taking pictures of him, he immediately put them on! 

Carsten the Little Professor! 

Friday night date night with my little brother. We saw Amazing Spider-Man 2 and had pie at village Inn! 

Katie loves her dogs! 
Colby's Trip in the Bahamas:

Every year the BYU Geology Department goes on a field trip that is subsidized by the Ken Hamblin Global Fund. This year we went to the Bahamas! Our days were spent taking boats out to different locations around the island, snorkeling, and collecting sediment samples at each location. We learned a lot about carbonate sedimentology and stratigraphy. Enjoy the pictures!

This is about 40 yards from where we slept

Drying some of our specimens in the bungalow!

Typical sunrise. Notice the clouds...

Home sweet home

Joulters Cay, ooid shoal!

More ooids!

Church's Blue Hole