Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Visitors {3.8.16 - 3.22.16}

I cannot believe April has come upon us. March came and went quicker than I had expected! But I blame that on all the wonderful visitors that came to West Texas to see us. Sierra (Colby's sister) graced us with her presence for 2 weeks while Colby's parents and older brother (Donny) over-lapped a few days with Sierra and stayed with us through Easter. It literally was a full house...well a full apartment anyways! We had so much fun and saw and did so many things that the pictures will fill two blog posts!

At first when I realized that Sierra was coming for two weeks I was worried we wouldn't be able to find anything to do. However, as I started planning I realized there was actually quite a bit to keep us busy. In fact, we didn't finish all the things I had planned! 

The first weekend Sierra arrived we went to Abilene and Lake Brownwood. In Abilene we went to the zoo and had a friend of mine in the air force give us a private tour of the aircraft that he flies. He is a pilot for the C-130, which is a huge cargo plane that moves pretty much anything the military needs it to move. Then he let us try on his night vision goggles. It was awesome! We all looked like aliens and Hallie was unsure when Sierra had them on. 

These two videos below are fun. One is of Hallie being adorably cute. In the other video we are feeding giraffes from our hands through the sunroof of the car at a place called Fossil Rim, one of our last adventures before sierra left!

The professional marshmallow roaster does not like to be interrupted. Here we are having an evening picnic by the river. Hallie loved feeding all the geese and ducks.
It may not look like it, but Hallie did not like the snakes at all! 
But Hallie did love this camel. We held her up on the wall and she kept trying to get down from the wall, so she could go to him. 
 The next couple of days we drove to San Angelo because one of Sierra's college friends just recently moved down there. We had a great time riding the bikes, visiting parks, visiting a donkey rescue, playing mini golf and using a pedal boat in the river.
Hallie was unsure of the donkey's
Trying to enjoy the paddle boat. The little girls only wanted to jump in the river instead!
The next couple of days we were in midland and enjoyed more time at the parks, ate a ton of samples at the candy store, enjoyed story time and painted pottery at a cute pottery shop. After a few days in Midland we were going to meet up with our parents at Hueco Tanks by El Paso. Unfortunately, Sierra got a really bad stomach bug. Colby went without us to meet his parents and I stayed with Sierra and Hallie. It was no bueno to see someone so sick. But it did only last a day and no one else got it...thankfully!
Once Colby, Donny and the parents arrived we enjoyed a small BBQ at the sand dunes and went to the Petroleum Museum! The next day we had to take Sierra back to Dallas, but we stopped in Glenrose, TX to visit Fossil Rim. An amazing experience altogether!! It is an African themed drive-through zoo. We fed a few animals by hand and the rest just got close to the car to eat the food we threw out the window. However, our favorite was feeding the giraffes! It was so awesome! Watch the short video at the top of the blog!
Hallie didn't like the sand. She had to be on a blanket and not touching the sand at all to be fine  :) 
Hallie was in the middle of mimicking my fake laugh! She is just too cute for words! 
Giraffes at fossil rim
Picture taken right underneath the sun roof! This giraffe even decided he wanted to take a peek inside the car!! 
Very last adventure before she left: Half-Price Books in Dallas. Hallie is already learning the Hazard family motto, "Go Big or Go Home!" 

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