Monday, June 29, 2015

Where did June go!

The rain has gone and the hot weather has begun in west Texas. But fortunately for us it is not humid, nor is it hot the whole day. We have done really well and have only turned our AC on 4 times! And only for a couple of hours! We are so happy that we live on the bottom floor and that we have nice, quiet ceiling fans. In other news, where did the month of June go!!??? It flew by! It's already time for July? Summer is going by way too fast!

The past couple of weeks have been good to us. We were able to take a last minute trip to Dallas and visit KL, Taylor and Fife. It was really good to see them!  And it fell on the weekend of Colby's Birthday, so we were able to celebrate with some family. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of all our good times (besides the below from instagram) because I got a new phone and forgot to download my pictures from my old phone. But at least I have a few! While in Dallas we went bike riding and played outside in the pool and saw the Archibald's (Taylor's Parents) family cat carrying a huge lizard by its head! It was gross! hahaha!

I don't know if I mentioned this before, but Colby and I team teach the 12 and 13 year old's for Sunday School. The church has a new program called Come Follow Me which is amazing! I love the new way we prepare for our classes and the participation of the kids. We have a great group of kids we teach! Also, we gave talks on Sunday. It was good for us, even though that morning before church I literally could not eat anything because I was so nauseous! I was able to take 2 bites of a banana and that almost got to me! But I am just so glad it is over and that I don't have to speak in church for at least a year! However, we will see how long Colby lasts! hahaha After Sacrament meeting our bishop made a comment to Colby about how he could see Colby as a future High Council Man because Colby did such  a great job and was able to take up a lot of the time. :) 

The pool at our apartment has been really nice to have with the hot weather. It is nice and refreshing! This past Friday we had a pool party with fellow BYU friends who are also all Geologists! We love living here and hanging out with so many friends! We have been looking for houses, but are not really looking to buy for awhile. We are hoping the housing prices drop soon because everything here is so expensive, but it has been nice to just drive around and get the feel of neighborhoods and seeing where we would like to end up!

Friends with their babies :) 

And the boys playing 500 with water toys! 

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