Tuesday, June 10, 2014

In the Middle of Somewhere

So....Colby and I have now lived in Midland for about a month! I think it is called midland because you have to drive at least 5 hours in any direction to get somewhere that is not fields or a major city that has stuff to do! Despite this unpleasant fact, midland is pretty in its own way. The sky is beautiful because it is big and open and there is absolutely nothing to block out the heat! Pretty cool, huh? I am glad I came to Midland with low expectations because it has made the transition much better. Midland has trees and green grass! I thought it was just a bunch of dirt and the scorching sun overhead, but I am really glad I am wrong. Midland is not scorching even though it has not hit July yet. That will probably change in about a month, just wait. However, we have great air conditioning and the mornings and evenings are beautiful. I am glad it does not stay hot all day. And Chevron has treated us well. Colby likes working with his team and they have already had a team dinner where I was able to meet the people he works with and everyone is nice and great people to be around! Chevron even gave Colby a nice budget to buy some of his very own  cowboy boots! Colby really likes the boots and now says he is finally a True Texan! But...we still root for BYU and not the Longhorns. Sorry Texas.

Midland is quite nice! Enjoy the pictures of some of our good times in Midland! I saved the best one for last!

This is our view coming into Midland without the houses, buildings, and trees. This is what it looks like within a 3 hour radius around Midland. Not much, but definitely not the desert wasteland we were expecting!
View of the street we live on! Lots of trees and green grass :) 
Nice green park that is about a block away that I visit often.

Same park after a really hard rain. All the parks are set up to be big bowls to hold rain water, so the water just doesn't spread out and flood everywhere. This weekend we had tornado watches and warnings, as well as flash flood warnings 2 weeks ago and church was cancelled because of it. Who knew!? Except Midland has not had a flood or tornado since the early 1900s, so we are good. 

This is the second spider that has tried creating a nest in or on our car!! But they will NOT succeed if I am around! I'm just glad we haven't seen any tarantulas or scorpions! I don't think there are any. :)  

Drive in Movie Theater! The set up was awesome and we saw Godzilla. And the sky is always so beautiful! 
Memorial Weekend in Midland we went to the Commemorative Air Force Museum where they have the largest collection of nose art from WWII planes and a hanger full of some of the planes from that time period. They also had a ceremony to honor those who have served, and those who continue to serve. It was amazing to see! After the ceremony we went to the Monahan sand dunes about an hour away! That is about the closet thing we have to us that looks like "rolling" hills!

B-17 from WWII. If you wanted you could purchase a 30 minute ride to be in it. And it was very affordable! Only $450 for a back seat or $850 for a front! No big deal, right!? 

Memorial day Texas Style! 

My new ride! 

It was very hot this day! I wish I was in a swimsuit! 

Last but not least, Chevron had a picnic for its employees and paid for us to go see a baseball game! We had a good time and realized that we have lots of friends from Utah that will be working with Chevron or other companies in Midland, so it is the place to be. We would be happy to stay if we got the opportunity!
Watching the Rockhounds baseball team! It is all about Geology in Midland! 

Some of the many friends we have that will be in Midland for a while

Midland sunsets! 


  1. I loved the update! I'm so happy you guys like it there, it looks like lots of fun! :)

    1. Thanks Sierra! We do like it, but miss having LOTS of family close by, but we have some :) And I would love an update from you guys! Your blog is always so hilarious, I love reading it!!

  2. I LOVE that last picture! I'm so glad you guys are enjoying this experience :)
