Monday, June 3, 2013

Summer is Here and so are We!

Colby and I have been missing in action for quite sometime (since halloween) that I have decided I should finally update our blog! Yeah! Once again, I am a terrible blogger and have not gotten into the whole thing, but I am trying and it is a nice way to stay in touch with friends and family. Colby and I are now in Colorado for the summer for Colby's paid internship which is so nice! I have not been home for a full and whole Colorado summer since I started school in Idaho in 2010! It has been nice being back and there are no wild fires Hooray! The weather has been perfect not to hot or cold which is how I am been acclimated my whole life! If it gets above 75 degrees I want to die it is too hot for me. We are currently living with my parents for the summer which means Colby has an hour commute and if there is traffic, then it is about an hour and half; however, we did try to find somewhere in Denver to live, but no one wanted to give us a 4 month lease. So here we are and we love it! Colby said that he is so use to the drive that it does not bother him anymore and he gets to listen to whatever music, talk show, or anything he likes since I am not in the car :) For me, I have been  helping my parents out with my siblings and working as a nanny here and there (look below for a funny video of my little sister). I also will probably get a job with an in home senior health assistant a couple times a week. So I have been keeping busy too!

Colby and I can't wait for all the summer plans this summer! Colby gets every third Friday off so we are coming for the Hazard Reunion and we are both so excited! We missed the first one in California and can't wait for this July to see everyone especially the new babe, baby R Hazard! For memorial weekend we went to South Dakota with my family to see Mount Rush-more, Crazy Horse, Reptile Gardens, Black Bear Country, the Needles, Custer State Park, Devils Tower (in Wyoming), the cosmos, Mammoth sites, and had fun swimming! I will post some pictures because it was so much fun! Also, this June I am leaving after Colby's birthday to see my sister in Boston and helping her move to Las Vegas! I am so happy she is moving back to the west she has not been this close to us for 6 years and we are so happy! I am going to drive across the country with her and then hopefully see there new built home soon. I am excited that when Colby and I go back to Utah she will only be 5 hours away about the same to Rexburg so we will be making trips down there for sure. I am sad that my other sister won't be in Rexburg anymore after this summer because they are moving to Texas, but I am so happy that we still have tons of Colby's family there because we love seeing them and I love Rexburg! We are so excited to see everyone soon and are sorry that we will miss Kl and Taylor before we get there, but we wish them the best of luck in Washington D.C and hopefully we will see them soon!

This huge guy was crossing the road and I am glad we were in a even bigger truck!  He looked mad...hehe

Oh no! The snake has them! 

Carsten is super happy and amazed because this huge tortoise is moving, but Jonathan looks concerned...

Just chillin in Black Bear Country

Jonathan wanted a turn to carry Carsten so we let him try haha

Oh, and a quick update on my sister Felicia. For those of you who do not know she is serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She will be serving and teaching others the gospel of Jesus Christ for 18 months in the Temple Square, SLC, Utah mission! She will also study sign language so she may teach those who are deaf in their own language. She has been in the MTC for since April 24th and will go into the mission field from the MTC on June 12th! She is doing well aside from some minor medical issues, but is fine! She had her 21st birthday on May 20th and she wrote to us about it was one of the best birthdays she ever had!

We decided to pack the kids up and ship them right to Filly! 

Felicia is 21 years old! 

Felicia and the other sign language missionaries

Also, Sierra, I want you to update your blog! If I can do it then you can too! :)

Talk to you all till next time...which hopefully is not another 7 months! Oh and below is a funny video of my little sister Katie being a goof!


  1. I love that you updated! And I agree that Sierra needs to update also.

    p.s. I can't see your video because it's private :(

    1. Thanks! And I think I may have fixed the video problem. Let me know if it works! :)
