Sunday, November 11, 2012

Pumpkin Head

Hello again. I, Colby, am writing this time, at least for the moment. The first snowfall of the season arrived on Friday, leaving about five inches of beauty all around us. I made snow ice-cream three times already, and look forward to many more bowls of this cheap and delicious treat. I am still trying to get MyKel and Fili into it, but they just aren't catching on. I have been spoon-feeding it to MyKel as she blow dries her hair, cleans, etc.

It has been pretty cold here lately (19 degrees F right now), but we still haven't used our heater at all. Our original goal was to not use it until November 1st, but our new goal is to make it until Thanksgiving, when we will have family here (we don't want to scare them away!) We live in a basement apartment so it is pretty well insulated, and we think we are getting some of our warmth from our upstairs neighbors.

MyKel has been enjoying her new calling in the primary. She teaches the Valiant 9-10 year olds. She even has some children that aren't members of the Church, so she gets to be a missionary at least once every week. I have been called as a district supervisor for home teaching, and am enjoying it. We like our new ward, and are meeting a lot of new people every week. On Friday, we had a ward talent show. I did beat-boxing and tops, the usual. It was a lot of fun and we saw a lot of great talent. Tonight we went to a baptism. The spirit was very strong and they served dinner afterwards. We had a great time eating ham and socializing with people in the ward.

MyKel has been taking piano lessons. She has only had three lessons, and is already playing out of the Hymns Made Easy book. I am very impressed with her dedication and willingness to learn.

The best news for this post is that I got an internship offer from an oil and gas company called Enerplus. It is a Canadian-based company that has offices in Calgary and Denver, so I will be in Denver next summer working as a geology intern. We are so grateful for this opportunity and know that all the interviews and prayers were worth it.

I will now summarize some of the things we remember doing over the past few weeks.

1. We made Nancy's famous pumpkin stew using the recipe book that she gave us for our wedding present. We also made salsa and potato soup from said book.

2. We carved pumpkins a week before Halloween. I carved a large pumpkin from the bottom so that MyKel could use it for her costume (see picture). By the way, MyKel got a haircut, in case you are wondering who that girl with the short hair is.
The future "pumpkin head" Try to imagine the picture rotated. The computer would not let me turn it! 

Left to right of amazing pumpkin carving (Colby, MyKel, Filly, Jay) 

3. Ward trunk-or-treat. MyKel got a lot of strange stares from the younger children. I don't think they had ever seen a walking jack-o-lantern.

I (MyKel) was not originally going to put the pumpkin on my head, but then I was  bribed.  Hence, the candy in my hand :) 

4. Halloween!! We went rock climbing in Rock Canyon. Donny let us borrow some climbing gear, so we used it.
Matching  Free "google" sunglasses! 

5. We smashed a pinata! Tyson and Cambria came over with their kids and had dinner with us. Afterwards, we let everyone hit a pinata.
The kids are really excited about the pinata. 

6. We went geode hunting with MyKel's great uncle. We found lots of geodes about 100 miles away in the west desert.

Lately we have been watching a lot of BYU's "Divine Comedy", and "Studio C," a new show on BYU TV. They have some funny videos on YouTube. If you have seen Harry Potter, you might enjoy the video below. 

1 comment:

  1. I love your life! It looks so fun and exciting, keep updating! And Studio C is funny :)
